Greetings from Wendy Houser Blomseth in Minneapolis, MN, USA. I have considered myself a photographer all my life, both as a professional portrait photographer and now a nature photographer. I discovered my love for haiku poetry late in life. In the past I rejected it blindly because of the 5/7/5 form and blocked myself from even trying it.
I create haiku almost every day based on two factors (1) internal feelings that spring up while I’m out photographing in nature and, (2) prompts that come externally from THE DAILY HAIKU especially when I can use an appropriate photo in my archive that fits the haiku.
Discovering the Joy of Haiku is saving my soul during the pandemic. No longer feeling empty, quite the contrary. Feeling joy, laughter, and inspiration from THE DAILY HAIKU community. Communications with the haiku writers give me continued joy and a sense of wonder that we’re each in lockdown and yet connecting with people around the world.
Coming into haiku from photography gives me a wonderful double challenge. When I make a photo now I often previsualize the haiku at the same time.
Wellbeing aspect of being part of a creative writing group? This is my first participation with a creative writing group and I’m enjoying it immensely. So, because I’m a “connector” I’m inviting several of my friends to join as well. They are all loving it. In the past my group engagements have been centered around photography. The double delight now is to receive feedback on my photographs and my haiku.
Favorite haiku (my first haiku)
reaching for kindness
love, peace, and understanding
instead of sorrow
majestic power
water spray of hopes and dreams
tears frozen in time
The experience of writing haiku on a regular basis and participating at THE DAILY HAIKU Facebook group have inspired three new goals for the future:
- Produce a “photo – poetry” book
- Gather small, social distanced, groups to walk together in nature and write haiku during the outing.
- Produce workshops that include both photography and haiku poetry.
12 Comments on “Conversation 24: THE DAILY HAIKU INTERVIEWS: Wendy Houser Blomseth”
Thanks for sharing your story, Wendy. I love seeing your gorgeous photo/haiku combinations on the group page. Your three goals sound wonderful! How much fun would it be to be part of that group walking in nature and creating word pictures at the same time. I hope they all come to fruition. I look forward to seeing more of your beautiful contributions on the TDH page.
Bravo, Wendy. I’ve been watching your progress as you strive to herd all those tender feelings into the narrow pen of the haiku. Carry on! I’m attracted by the idea of little groups writing haiku on the hoof (I can see how the social aspect might take over…).
Well done.
Lovely, Wendy. I greatly admire both your poetry and photographs. I have always felt there was a link between photography and haiku, as both capture a moment. I cannot claim to be as competent a photographer as you, and I certainly don’t bind them together in the same way as you do, partly because I am unable to walk in nature much, so I’m very envious of you!
Excellent Wendy. I have always loved both your pictures and your words in our group. You are an inspirational member and your interactions have always been to the point.
Thanks for being an important part of TDH.
Lovely interview Wendy… and so nice to know a little bit more about you and what motivates you. Your photography and words are inspiring. Thank you for your part in this wide circle of creativity 🦋
Great to get to know you a little more from this lovely conversation, I love the idea of the poetry and photo book and I certainly echo your warm words about the group. Thanks Wendy xx
Thank you, Wendy, for this interview. Your very first haiku/photo is stunningly beautiful – you certainly started as you meant to continue! I have a similar idea for a book. It’s interesting, isn’t it, how we really see the world when we have our photographer’s hat on. I’ve found it’s the same with haiku. Thank you for being part of this nourishing community ❤️🌺❤️
Wonderful interview, Wendy. I enjoyed finding out more about you. Your haiku and photography are lovely and quite inspired. Mustn’t forget
your wonderful video which you made for the theme, ‘Walk with me.’ I loved the crunching snow and the breathtaking, Minnie-ha-ha Falls. You are a great contributor to TDH and I think your idea of a book, wonderful.
Wonderful Wendy! You were one of the first to welcome me here at TDH. I was a little afraid, not knowing what I was getting into. My first, also of ‘belonging’ to a creative writing group. It’s people like you who show us how a simple walk in nature can inspire haiku and sharing it is even more special. I’m so glad we have met & I look forward to many more days of laughter and tears. I think you are on to something with gathering with others … walking in nature … and writing haiku. I loved your latest of the crunchies on the snow! Thanks for being here!!
I love the way that your photography and haiku inspire each other Wendy. I am a great believer in writing as an interdisciplinary force where we gather and garner from all creative impulses. The writing process can be so much richer when we open up all our senses. I love your openness to writing and your haiku express this so well. There is energy, a life force and a quest for more that is inspiring. Thank you Wendy for sharing your thoughts with The Great Margin.
Brava Wendy!!
You are so inspiring. I love your gift for incorporating imagery with poignant depictions of nature and life. Keep reaching for the brightest stars. my friend..
Hello TDH friends,
What a delight to re-read my interview Q&A’s as well as your heartfelt comments. Thank you so much.
I’m very excited to announce that I’ve accomplished my first goal stated above, i.e., I just hit the “print” button to publish –
“The Forest of One Tree”
a high-quality 8 1/2 x 8 1/2 coffee table book with artistic color and black & white photos that are paired with short-form Japanese poems.
Together the photos and poetic meditations tell my story of being in Minneapolis, Minnesota USA during a year-long COVID-19 lockdown highlighting gorgeous gifts from my garden, and sadly, family health challenges, racial injustices, and social unrest.
The original version was from May 30, 2020 to December 31, 2020 which felt incomplete, so I expanded the content of this edition until June 1, 2021, when life changed because many of the lockdown restrictions were lifted in my area.)
It is a book that many will relate to, as well as be an educational, artful gift, for younger generations.
More details to follow when the final edition is ready for purchase.