Introduce yourself (include any previous writing experience if any)?
Greetings friend. My name is David E Navarro and I am an author, poet-philosopher, essayist, editor, Bible teacher-minister, medical writer, research analyst, and tech editor who founded NavWorks Press to publish poetry, fiction, and non-fiction. I also founded the Pure Land School of haiku. This was for those who want to learn how to write nature haiku. I’ve actually been writing professionally for over 35 years. Many of my articles, essays, poetry, and stories have been published in numerous magazines, journals, and anthologies (print and digital) over the years.
How do you approach writing haiku? (chance to offer some insights into your writing process, whether you include visual and other material)?
There is an “essence” to haiku which a haiku poet learns in their haiku journey. It is a mindful way of thinking and responding to serendipitous observations, recording them using powerful methods of communicating passed on to us in the haiku form by the Japanese.
My approach to writing haiku is learned from Issa, one of the four haiku greats. This involves practising this mindful way of thinking about each present moment of every day and discovering things to share in my haiku. My own haiku is very nature-focused. I also enjoy haibun (haiku with prose) and haiga (haiku with art). Also photoku (haiku with a photo)— and my own invention of haiku with Western-style poetry—similar to haibun, but instead of with prose it’s with poetry.
What do you enjoy about being a member of The Daily Haiku group?
Socially interacting with many fine haiku poets (haijin) all in various stages of their haiku journeys, enjoying the communication of their thoughts in haiku and tanka is something I love. Haiku is intended to be a very social poetry because it is supposed to have “ma” which is the “unsaid space”. It makes room for readers to finish the haiku with the images and experiences of their own minds. Sharing haiku is like a big social literary party and it’s marvelous. The Daily Haiku is awesome because it provides prompts and themes to keep the conversation going.
Do you have any comments on the wellbeing aspect of being part of a creative writing group?
Participating in an international writing group is a healthy and positive experience that gives great exposure to other ways of thinking and diverse cultures. Sharing with each other, supporting each other, enjoying each others’ work, learning together, and helping each other. These are all powerful ways of developing the art and craft of writing in a wholesome environment that supports emotional and creative well-being.
Do pick out two of your favourite haiku that you have written?
I can never pick my own favourites, but a critic and reviewer picked these two:
full moon date walking the river
in a distant wooded copse not with feet but eyes
I sit with trees what mountain power
ould you like to say anything else about yourself?
When I found myself homeless at 19 years old and my aunt took me in (I slept on her dining room floor) it was the discovery of haiku and Zen poetry that changed my life. Furthermore it pointed me in a direction of exploration of life. It was then that I first embarked on my haiku journey. Now 40 years later I’m still a wandering poet-philosopher in love with life and nature. As a younger child I found the fighting, arguing, oppression, and emotional trauma around me to be overwhelming and I would escape by finding refuge in nature.
The joy and peace I found in nature and writing helped me to keep it together until God called me out to learn, live, and teach the Bible to others as an interfaith minister. So now I serve others by teaching and writing about living in the moment, practicing mindfulness, walking spiritually, and enjoying pure land wholeness and the harmony of nature.
Current book publications are:
A Tree Frog’s Eyes: Haiku, 2020
In the Praise of His Glory, 2020
Archway to Beyond (haiku, haibun), 2019,
Early Childhood Learning, 2019
This is the Way, 2017
Dropping Ants into Poems, 2016
Dare to Soar, 2013; and more.
David E Navarro Website
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David E Navarro Amazon Author Page
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David E Navarro Goodreads Author Page
David E Navarro AllAuthor Page
Facebook Profile
17 Comments on “Conversation 40: THE DAILY HAIKU INTERVIEWS: David E Navarro”
Thank you!
David, a Conversation I visited as soon as I saw the link. Your thoughtful, quiet posts and your haiku have been a great influence. Our backgrounds and disciplines are almost entirely different, but through haiku, a love of Nature, and a reflective approach we seem very much in harmony. I’m sure that many in our haiku group will say the same. Thank you, and go well.
Thanks very much Keith, I appreciate your thoughtful reply.
“There is an “essence” to haiku which a haiku poet learns in their haiku journey.” Beautifully expressed . Really enjoyed the interview.
Thanks John, glad you enjoyed. I appreciate the feedback.
Really enjoyable David. Thank you for sharing this. A feeling of great calm transpires from your contribution. It helps.
Wow, Sebastien, thanks for the kind words. I have been busy with other pursuits for several months, but I haven’t forgotten the Daily Haiku.
Thank you, David, it’s so good to get to know the person behind your admirable haiku. We all have our life stories and they bring us closer as a community.
Our journeys into writing are proving extremely inspiring and I welcome the open and generous spirit being developed here in sharing our stories. Your haiku and knowledge are an invaluable support to us at THE DAILY HAIKU and always expand and encourage more haiku creation and exploration. Thank you so much David.
Such a joy to see your unique and inspiring journey David. Helps me put your Haiku in proper perspective which I am sure makes them even more delightful. The bonus was knowing that you are a Bible teacher.
How wonderful for you to share your journey … your walk … with how you came about discovery of haiku! I have known about it and read and enjoyed them throughout my life, but late September I found this group (because of the pandemic) and jumped in to actually get my head somewhere else and learn about it. I’m trying to just enjoy the ride more than go deep into “how and why.” Issa seems to be the one who draws me in, also. He seems to touch me in a way that fills in the blanks. So much to learn!!!! But most of all, the feelings that rise up and are allowed to come out are astounding me since making this decision. I am so glad we can experiment here and see where haiku takes us. The ‘ma’ is what I aspire to write. David, I appreciate you and hope to learn more and more from you and from so many in the group! The highlight of the pandemic … this group … a life saver!! Thanks for being here!!
Thanks much Connie. I’ve been very busy with other pursuits, but I will be back to the Daily Haiku soon.
I wish there was a way to click “like” or “thumbs up” to each reply here so that you would all know that I appreciate your replies, your insight, your encouraging words, and your responses to this post of my interview. But please do know that I have read every one and appreciate them all.
David, ‘A wandering poet philosopher in love with life and nature’. Says it all. Great interview. Thanks
An interesting read, your interview is as inspiring as your mindful haiku. Thank you for sharing your story.
Really enjoyed reading about your path through poetic writing These interviews make connections with such a diversity of writers who express aspects of their lives and places in nature . Thank you for adding to this richness
Many thanks.