Conversation 47: Themes from THE DAILY HAIKU 20 – 27 February 2021

This week was marked by multiple themes being voted on each day at THE DAILY HAIKU offering up a plethora of diverse options. Enjoy writing new haiku or revisiting your favourites from the week by showcasing them here. Also do share with those friends who are not on social media too.

Add your suggestions to the wonderful Collective Terms for Haiku Writers featured in this blog and highlight your favourites. Mine are still HUG, LAMP RUB & A TREE of HAIKUNUTS






Fairy Tales









How Are You Feeling?

Which Direction?

1st Line Renga: start each haiku with the line ‘take me by the hand’ 

Music prompt: Eva Cassidy’s version of Sting’s FIELDS OF GOLD

Weekend Haiga#19 Using stunning black and white photographs from Marion Clarke as inspiration For guidelines on creating Haiga read WHERE IMAGE AND HAIKU MEET

3 Comments on “Conversation 47: Themes from THE DAILY HAIKU 20 – 27 February 2021”

  1. Some of my favourites from the last week:

    sleepless skies
    spring sews new life and I
    clouded and small

    foundling stars
    soon lost to earthly eyes
    dust filled and blind

    this day
    a blank page
    don’t tear it up

    from a secret
    only half told

    don’t princess me or
    kidnap me or I’ll turn you
    into Basho’s frog

    wearing stars
    floating together clothes left
    watching from the stones

  2. There are many joys of being a member of THE DAILY HAIKU. This series of four haiku, with descriptions, show how beneficial it is to write /post haiku poems and be open/vulnerable to suggestions that teach you about haiku and your own learning process.

    2/22/2021 (poem written over a photograph of tulips)
    petals cup the sun
    fills up with strength and beauty
    overflows to you

    Comment: Thank you, Elizabeth Lawrence, who kindly gave me permission, to use L1 “petals cup the sun” from her previous haiku. It’s an amazing feeling when certain lines of a poem are felt in your body and you cannot let them go.

    the lifelong student
    constantly challenged to stretch
    in search of beauty
    To clarify, In search of alternative words that give the feeling of “beauty” without using that word which I overuse.

    My husband and I had this conversation recently, how we can overuse the same words and not stretch our minds. We used the examples of “cute” and “beauty” which are always easy to reach for. I need to stretch my mind further.

    hours pass, app found
    “beauty” quest opens new door
    The Free Dictionary

    Theme: #writing (revised word choice from beauty to splendor)
    petals cup the sun
    fills up with strength and splendor
    overflows to you

    Thanks to an encouraging nudge, I pushed myself to look for other word choices to improve the poem. A great example of being in a supportive environment.

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