Conversation 66: Reflecting on A Year of THE DAILY HAIKU and Where Do We Go Now?


As we move into our second year at THE DAILY HAIKU I want to take stock, pause, reflect and consider where we are going next. I welcome your ideas on what makes a successful writing community and how we can continue to thrive.


Through call outs for feedback and most recently our wonderful zoom get-togethers I have put together some observations about our community and haiku.  To those who came to the meet-ups it was so lovely to see you, put faces to names, laugh together, share our stories, haiku and create new haiku from our ‘gifted’ special objects. For those unable to join do please introduce yourself here and share your thoughts on the group.


THE DAILY HAIKU format is accessible, engaging and fun. This is something that I had as an aim when I set up the group so thrilled that you feel that.


We are a welcoming and supportive often in contrast to other online communities.


This is a place where many of you have made new friends and connections.


THE DAILY HAIKU has been a lifeline and creative outlet during Covid19.


You can spend as little time or as much time on THE DAILY HAIKU. It fits in with busy lives, working lives and those with more time on their hands.


Haiku is brief, it encourages brevity, the distillation of ideas but also inspires longer pieces of poetry and other creative work.


Having a daily creative practice is proving really enriching for many of you who have incorporated it into your life.


THE DAILY HAIKU allows many who have never written before to have a go.


Our focus on a daily activity has brought a new creative focus into many of your lives allowing you to see things in a different way.


Writing haiku is different for you all. However a theme or themes have helped galvanised your thoughts whether in your dreams, middle of the night or as you go about your day.


THE DAILY HAIKU is a place where many write everyday, some dip in and out and some enjoy reading other people’s work. But crucially TDH offers a consistent engagement that is easily understandable.


We are welcoming, there is no dress code or qualification needed to join.


People enjoy the extra engagement on THE DAILY HAIKU through film projects, The Great Margin, haiga, famous haiku discussions, renga etc. Ideas are welcomed and criticism valued.


THE DAILY HAIKU has become a place where we share our emotions within our haiku which then initiates conversations and connections. Also The Great Margin interview series offers a space for many inspiring, relatable and touching stories. People’s openness is really valued and also encouraged.


We are a diverse group of those new to writing, those returning or discovering haiku for the first time and those experienced in haiku writing or other writing forms.


We are grateful to those experienced in writing haiku for their generous support, knowledge and inspiration.


I want to explore ideas for the future at TDH. This could include face to face meet ups, a national or even international school haiku competition, a publication…


Haiku means something different to each one of you and we embrace that on TDH. 5/7/5 is working as a guideline not a rule. Ideas about haiku continue to inspire regular discussion.


THE DAILY HAIKU is a community that makes its own decisions and helps shape what we do, want and share. But more importantly how we do that.


We are a community that fosters wellbeing. Again this was a key aim that I wanted to incorporate when setting up the format and group.


Thank you to this wonderful visualisation from Judith Railton from our first zoom meet up.

2 Comments on “Conversation 66: Reflecting on A Year of THE DAILY HAIKU and Where Do We Go Now?”

  1. It has been a joy to be part of this vibrant haiku community for me , a newbie to haiku.
    I hope we continue to thrive and grow!

  2. I now have a daily creative practice in writing haiku for the prompts on TDH. I like the haiga, the famous hajin by Sebastien and the slow renga. I would love to have monthly Zoom meetings and Amanda does such wonderful workshops, they always stimulate and entertain.
    For me, TDH inspires the writing of my other poetry and my poetry blog.

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