On THE DAILY HAIKU we offer opportunities for people to experiment with their first haiku, whilst offering support and encouragement for those who may have posted one or two.
Choose a theme of your own or look through the file of themes we have had so far, (attached here).
Post below in comments, add photos, maybe even add an idea, comment. See this as a space to dip your toe in and have a go. And for those already haiku-ing away with abandon do offer your advice and experiences.
Some helpful initial tips:
Perhaps take a photograph, start from that point or choose an object you can see or one of the suggested themes.
GATHER your ideas both written and visual.
Ask questions and make notes to bring your thoughts to life: specific details, focus on the senses, colours, weather, feelings.
Have FUN playing with ideas; think about taking photos/videos, sketching or collecting other visual ideas to support your thoughts.
Start a conversation with friends or family.
I often think about a haiku while walking but sometimes ideas just sneak up on me quickly or take time to germinate.
Go with the flow.
When these thoughts are gathered EDIT them down.
PLAY with your words to fit 3 lines with a general guide of 5/7/5 syllables (a helpful guide but not prescriptive so 4/4/3 or any other combo below an overall 17 syllables is all good).
Think about creating a shift or turn in the final line.
But mostly have fun with it, share if you want to or enjoy the experience yourself as I know many existing members do without sharing.
EXPERIMENT, you may produce several versions.
You can post several and ask for feedback something that many members find helpful in THE DAILY HAIKU.
Try the ARE YOU A TREE OR A LEAF? workshop here.
2 Comments on “Conversation 3: WRITING HAIKU: First Timers”
On THE DAILY HAIKU we often have first time Fridays where those new or nearly new to haiku can share their thoughts and haiku.
I love this, woderous
Take a moment