I am a French pharmacist living in Ireland. Since I was young, I have been attracted to literature, history, philosophy, music and photography even though I switched my focus to science later on. In secondary school I had a very influential teacher who once gave me the task to write a sonnet, which triggered the need to start to write a diary that I still have.
A few years ago, after a long gap in writing I joined a writer’s group where I live and I really enjoy this and we continue to meet regularly on Zoom.
I discovered haiku more than a year ago when I was doing some research for the writer’s group.
At the start of the first lockdown, I felt the need to release my emotions through writing in a short format. I used to write in free verse but I needed something faster like when you take a photograph. Then I jumped into haiku before even knowing its rules.
I read a lot of haiku masters and modern haiku writers, also try to learn the subtleties of this genre discovering that it could become a way of life. As Basho said: ” Haiku is simply what is happening in this place at this moment.” I felt for so long that I wasn’t living life to its full and I think haiku can help us to be more present to life.
Since joining TDH last May I am enjoying this journey so much. As a beginner in haiku, I love the welcoming and non-judgemental atmosphere in this group. Members are caring for each other and I met there people who have shared with me lots of resources to develop my knowledge of haiku as well as creating bonds.
I find now it is essential for me to be part of a creative writing group. It allows me to put words on my emotions and sensitivity. Without it I would feel a bit lonely, not being able to share what I have to say in writing. Meeting all those individuals in a positive atmosphere helps me build a more hopeful approach on life in general.
I’m never fully satisfied with any of my haiku, so I will put here a recent one and another older that I amended recently.
New Year’s dawn
notifications blending
with bird songs
my grandmother’s laughter
in the next room
25 Comments on “Conversation 48: THE DAILY HAIKU INTERVIEWS Sébastien Revon”
Hah Sébastien- never fully satisfied. Its a good starting place. You’ve written some cracking ( unsatisfying) haiku. I for one, am better off through your contributions.
Onwards along the narrow road.
Thanks Tom.
Wonderful summation Sébastien. For all the high own talk, haiku really is so simple. Just that snapshot in words of a particular moment that Basho suggests. Thanks for reminding us not to get too precious about it.
As I write haiku I’m getting attached sometimes to the things I write. I think it is good to move on and keep writing for the sake of writing and living the moment. Thank you.
Sebastien I had no idea you were a newcomer to haiku – I always thought you were a seasoned expert, and have appreciated your haiku. Thank you for sharing a little of your journey.
You’re welcome Vivien, thank you too.
I enjoyed these Tom.
Thank you for sharing some of your story, Sébastien. As Vivien said in her comment, I also thought you were a seasoned haiku writer. I appreciate your contributions to the group, especially the famous weekend haiku series. The haiku above about your grandmother’s laugh is lovely and so tender. You’ve also raised a point here that I want to think on for a while – that the writing of haiku can help make us more present to life. Thank you and look forward to seeing you in the group.
I am happy that you mention the weekend famous haiku. I enjoy sharing these and will continue to do so.
Thank you Sébastien for sharing your haiku journey with us. Your second poem is beautiful.
Thank you. somehow this haiku seems to strike a chord. It is a good and happy memory of my grandma.
Sébastien, thank you for sharing. I cannot add to the commentary, apart from saying two things, I really enjoy reading your haiku. Also, it goes to show how important having an influential teacher can be. All it takes is a spark to light the flame. Well done you
Thanks a lot Bridie. It is true that an influential teacher can have a really lasting impact on a kid.
Great to hear how you started off your haiku journey, Sébastien. You have learned so much in such a short time—took me ten years to get here! 🙂 Looking forward to reading more of your work in the future.
Thanks a million Marion. You’ve done great things in ten years. I start to realise your impact on THF and hope you continue to do so. I can only wish to go on along my haiku journey as long as possible and enjoy life to its full in the simple things which are probably the most important things in life.
You’re awareness in your haiku touches me. The example here, “skylark with your grandmother’s laughter … The connection between you and your son, Eliot continue to enlighten and delight me. I feel the “presence” in your haiku with the easiness of one breath. For someone who is “green” … you are a brilliant green and I learn so much from you. I realize so many times when you post, I get engrossed and forget to comment or emoji it. We have much to learn from each other in our daily lives and you put a fresh approach on the writing of haiku. I’m an old-timer, but very new to this process and I do appreciate humble, bright young people like you who seem well-rounded and grounded in life. Thank you so much for being a part of this group. I’m going to go to your work right now and have a Sébastien moment with my tea.
Thank you Connie. You’re too kind. I am blushing.
Like Connie, I have many a “Sebastién moment.” I so enjoy your series on famous haiku writers, thank you for taking the time to educate us all.
I enjoy your haiku and the fact that haiku itself is in the moment. That is how I live my life now, in the here and now.
I am so grateful I found TDH, last year, near the end of April. It is such a supportive, nourishing, encouraging group and I feel I have the added bonus of making new friends.
Thank you for sharing a part of your story, well done the Frenchman in Ireland!
Thank you Carolyn. I always admire your positivity and try to learn from it.
Loved reading your inerview, Sebastién, and really miss your presence in the group. I didn’t realise you were quite as new to haiku as you are, though I did know you hadn’t been writing them for years. I remember both of the haiku you shared, very clearly, and loved rereading them. I have alwasy enjoyed your famous haiku posts, though I don’t seem to have seen one for a while, but the algorithms of Facebook continue to be a mystery to me! TBH, the real shockers re your interview, were that you live in Ireland, not France, and are a pharmcist, not an artist or academic!
Thank you so much Jenny. I will be back when I finish a rather long piece that I am working on at the moment. I want to focus on that before allowing myself to return.
I have enjoyed reading your haiku from the first moment you joined TDH and your infectious spirit for learning more about haiku has inspired us all. I find it extraordinary that you can produce such exquisite work in a second language and as a beginner in Italian it has spurred me on to try harder at learning a language – hoping one day to be able to express myself creatively.
The famous haiku strand that you initiated and curate every two weeks is something I and so many members look forward to. Your engagement in the group has been so important in shaping who we are and continue to be. Know that you are very valued both for your haiku and wider discussions on haiku, criticism and feedback as well as a thirst for knowledge.
I love that you combine your love for writing with such diverse interests and work. I am a strong believer that creativity is something that should be part of everyone’s life as it has so many benefits not only personally but for our wellbeing which is now being strongly evidenced. I think in the past we have been encouraged to pursue paths in life that mean that we sometimes have to give things up but now I feel we are moving into a time when we can be more holistic and interdisciplinary about our work and interests, also understanding the natural cross-overs between different disciplines.
Not being satisfied with ones work keeps us progressing – the artist/writer is rarely pleased, maybe fleetingly or through the feedback of others. I think that being part of a writing community is important. It is something I sought out in my twenties when I was starting to get work published, it spurred me on to perform my work and most importantly provided a space where I felt able to talk about my passion and share with others who felt the same. Poetry is not always the most popular pursuit so it helps to be amongst ‘friends’ but I sense it is having somewhat of a renaissance right now and am most encouraged by the role that social media has played in this, improving accessibility, diversity and opportunities for engagement.
Thank you for talking about your sensitivity here and being open about how your passions can sometimes overtake you – this is all good! What are we but fragile souls and exposing our fragility, sharing it and communicating with others is life enhancing, painful sometimes, but always something to embrace.
I really look forward to finding a haiku of yours to read and be quiet with. Your work mirrors your sensitivity, it is gentle and brooding, powerful and at times unexpected. There is a connection to place and people in your work that is deeply tender. Your grandmother’s haiku is perhaps currently your signature piece – emotive, sharp, sensory and heartfelt. Bravo Sébastien keep questing.
I am speechless Amanda. I just want to say a big thank you for all that you do. You are one in a million.
I will come back in due course when I am finished with some pieces I try to focus on lately. See you soon.
A bit late to the party Sébastien but I just wanted to add that your haiku always stand out in the crowd and you are a very gifted writer.
It isn’t easy to judge the subtleties of what works in a short poem… and you often seem to judge it just right. Really outstanding in a second language. Miss you here!
Great Haiku Sebastian, I like both of them. Like you, I am new to Haiku.