I was born and brought up in Ireland, the land of poets and painters. Then, while a student at Chelsea College of Art, got married and had two babies.
I am now eighty two, and am still, and will always be grieving for our son who died of cancer (I refuse to give it a capital letter) after great suffering courageously born on March 18th last year.
Then the Lockdown closed in, and I thought, prompted by your idea of a Haiku a Day to do just that, send them to you, and possibly put them together as a little book partly to his memory, and also to raise money for research. Two little books have now been printed, and have so far raised over £1,200.00.
I have been writing most of my life, and still continue to paint and exhibit now and then, and have been printed here and there over the years. The haiku idea really gripped my imagination, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for starting THE DAILY HAIKU, I would never have done this otherwise.
A selection of haiku and artwork:1

18 Comments on “Conversation 50: THE DAILY HAIKU INTERVIEWS: Caro Reeves”
Thank you for sharing your story. My condolences on the loss of your son. Your art work and poetry are inspiring.
From a other 82 year old in Ireland. Xx
I so enjoyed our somewhat unexpected and rather brief video conversation last year. Your poetry and artwork are inspiring.
Thank you for sharing your inspiring story and art💗
Wonderful and inspiring to read your story, Caro. Thank you.
Caro I always admire your stunning artwork and wonderful haiku. Thank you for sharing your sad story. It’s the worst thing for a mother to contemplate, let alone bear. I’m glad you’ve found a creative way to deal with it and inspire us all. My heart is with you. ❤️
I love your haiku and artwork, they are so original and put together with such joy and love. You have a great ability to shift tone from lighthearted to philosophical to poignant but always with such an eye for detail whether from the natural world or pin pointing the thoughts and dreams of the heart. I loved your fundraising book which now sits lovingly on my shelf and is frequently visited by the whole family. When I look at my own son I am filled with such intense grief for your loss Caro, from one mother to another. Thank you for sharing these vibrant words and artwork that is so uplifting.
Man, your art is awesome! I love the gentleman in the raincoat standing beside his dog. It’s a beautiful piece of art.
It’s lovely to meet you Caro. <3
I love your haiku and your stunning art, Caro and I managed to get your second book as your first one had sold out.
I am so sorry to learn of your tragic loss, as a mother who has also lost a son of 22 in different circumstances so I can empathise. I am glad you found TDH and that 8t has helped you. Thanks for sharing every mother’s nightmare. ❤👩🦰🌷
Wonderful artwork full of life movement and colour married beautifully with your poetry … a big fan ! Lovely interview – your human story touches my heart I’m deeply sorry for your unbearable grief Xxxx🌹
Poetry and art,
two children of the same mother,
who loves, equally. (c)
Your artwork is amazing and brings yours words to life!
Your fan,
Lynn Carole Brown
I love your stuff, Caro. Very strong. As for a head full of rainbows –
treasure lost
a rainbow
smiles through tears
Moving indeed has been your tale Caro. Enjoy your poetry and the delightful sketches as well. Do keep them coming. God bless
Love your art and poetry Caro. It takes a very special person to think of others at a time of grief…as you have in putting together your wonderful books to raise such a great sum for cancer research in your son’s name.
So you have my admiration, my deepest sympathy and my hope that Art and Love will sustain you as it can all of us….from the depths of despair to the joyful moments of happiness that must seem at times so elusive. Thank you for sharing your story and your talents. 💐
Thank you so much for sharing your story with us, Caro. I am so sorry for your loss, which I didn’t know about, when I bought your beautiful, little book just before Xmas. I am glad you were able to turn your grief into something positive. Your haiku and drawings always give me joy.
Oh, my very dear People,
I hadn’t expected anything like this. Thank you all so much for your kind words, and for your good wishes. I think in these strange times that I am lucky have met so many like- minded poets through being part of the Daily Haiku, people I would never have met without the Lockdown. It has been an enormous pleasure to meet you all, and to read your work. A huge bonus indeed for this particular old lady.
May you all keep well, keep writing, and keep happy.
I might yet do a third little book, you never know! Very best wishes to you all, Caro.
Please can I buy any of your books Caro…
A friend has given us ..pop goes lockdown…love it…
We still have our daughter who has cancer…it is a horrid disease…
Sending hugs and healing energy..
I liked getting a like
From the likes of you –
Like seeing buds give birth!
Thanks for my FB like.
Neil Kelly
Late evening on this second anniversary celebration and I’m reading your story Caro, your loss, your finding The Daily Haiku as so many of us have. To help us make creative sense of wretched times. Your wonderful artwork, full of positive energy. I’ve just been inspired by your prompts today – the last of many surprises . We are held together by poetic threads. Wonderful xx