As we grow and thrive here is a rundown of THE DAILY HAIKU regular threads and timings, also one off initiatives.
The main activity of each day is our DAILY THEME. This is decided by a running poll in Annoucements that you can add to and vote on. The Daily Theme is posted every day around midnight on the facebook group but also currently on @TheGreatMargin Twitter too. Keep adding and voting on themes.
Every day the WEEKLY theme is posted and also decided on in a poll available in Announcements which we encourage you to add to and vote on.
We also have a SEASON WORD, thanks to the suggestion from Eric McLachlan and this changes each week too. This is taken from suggestions posted in the blog https://thegreatmargin.org/conversations/nature-and-haiku-season-words-and-kigo-at-the-daily-haiku-and-reflections-on-listening-to-nature/
Once a week we have a MUSICAL THEME a thread originallysuggested by Lucy Newlyn. This is voted on and can be added to in our running poll in Announcements. The music acts as a prompt to create haiku with or without image/other links. Thanks to Wendy Blomseth Houser for the wonderful THE DAILY HAIKU playlist available here on SPOTIFY https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6Hc8StOBcwbxVM4P38UgeR…
MONTHLY FEATURES include a Pick n’ Mix 10 minute Haiku Challenge: A chance to revisit old themes or choose your own and write quick haiku in no more than ten minutes. We also now have a MONTHLY CHALLENGE feature with our first one asking for humorous haiku.
ONGOING FEATURES include Announcement polls on favourite poets, art to inspire haiku, books, themes and requests for feedback. Our Reading List is available here. Do add your suggestions: https://thegreatmargin.org/conversations/conversation-53-the-daily-haiku-reading-list/
At THE DAILY HAIKU we also create other initiatives including FILM opportunities. For our first 100 days this celebratory film https://youtu.be/r8jNHxobyig involves contributions from 80 members. In collaboration with our partners the wonderful PAPER NATIONS 7 short films were made I EVEN DREAM IN HAIKU. You can access these here https://thegreatmargin.org/haiku/. They feature haiku, image, video and voice overs from members in the group.
We have an open call-out for haiku from Under 18s and I would like to explore more initiatives to get younger people involved in haiku writing.
Collaborations include working with 64Million Artists setting a weekly challenge during Valentines 2021 with a call out for Love Haiku establishing the hashtag #LoveHaiku. https://64millionartists.com
Wellbeing is a key aim and outcome from being a member of THE DAILY HAIKU. We are regularly supported by ArtsWell https://arts-well.com, Network of Wellbeing https://networkofwellbeing.org amongst other wellbeing organisations.
This weekend we had our first MEET-UPS on zoom which were such fun. We would like to have more and at some point, when we can, face to face meet ups.
Aside from all our regular events we also have one-off initiatives. These include occasional PROMPTS, WORKSHOPS (also available here on The Great Margin) and CALL OUTS FOR FEEDBACK. We also respond to events eg, WORLD POETRY DAY, MOTHER’S DAY, SPRING EQUINOX etc and are very open to suggestions. This is YOUR community so it grows in the way you WANT it to.
12 Comments on “Conversation 61: THE DAILY HAIKU RUNDOWN”
I am new and I really do appreciate all the information above -as I have been trying to get things clear.
May I ask that we have the date shown when assigning the daily theme.
Reading that it is the 374th daily theme doesn’t tell me if it is for today or not because Facebook uses algorithms that might have me get an announcement a day later than someone else. It might look like I don’t care about the rules but I do.
Having a date would guarantee it.
Thank you for your consideration.
Hi Jill this is a good suggestion. Many thanks.
Amanda x
i’m new too. I have ALL notifications turned on and I don’t see the daily prompts. Suggestions? Thanks (I’ve been here less than a week.)
Hi Ruth Daily prompts will always be in Announcements but some people recently on some devices have had some issues seeing up to date Announcements, so to counteract this I always post the DAILY THEMES and other important prompts news etc in FILES under DAILY THEMES so you can always find them there
There is always so much going on in TDH, I can’t keep up! But I know that we can go with the flow of whatever we can accommodate in a day. So far, I have found this group very invigorating. 🙂 Even when I am at a loss for inspiration, I usually find the engagement itself inspiring.
I feel the same Neetu- that the group is invigorating even when I’m at a loss.
As a reasonably new member, I have enjoyed being here so much. Not sure which are.most enjoyable… the haikus or the comments. Personally, I find the strict 5-7-5 structure a great challenge to digging deeply into your head to achieve the best.
I am in my first moments of joing this group. Lots going on I see. A bit overwhelming. I shall just start and see where it goes for me..
What I should have said…
Just starting this group
It’s a bit overwhelming
I shall just jump in.
I love your introductory haiku! “I shall just jump in” – indeed.
I have enjoyed contributing to the daily topics of the last 18 months but I find some of the recent topics rather esoteric and impossible to write about. Couldn’t we re-visit some of teh original topics from the start as many current members won’t have seen them any way ?
Hi Mike I hope we always have a good spread of topics to keep people going and of course if the menu of topics DAILY, WEEKLY or SEASONAL WORD don’t hit the spot do feel free to post your own. Popular topics often renounce into the poll eg, silence, water etc so hopefully that will help.